During May 2016, five young people from Bournemouth made a new interactive narrative. Supported by lecturers from Bournemouth University, and the AIM Central team, the narrative came together. In five days from start to finish, the team wrote their script, shot video, took photos, recorded original music, and created social networking sites to complement the narrative.
Hermione was one of the team: “My favourite part of the process was the filming and acting. I enjoy being immersed in film and I wanted the audience to feel for the characters’ personal agendas.
“Other people in the group enjoyed the photography, artwork, animation and creating music.
“Genarrator lets you use muti-media to create a story. Which mean everyone in the group can use their own talents.
“At the start of the process, we came up with different ideas inspired by our own experiences and things we heard in the media. With the help of the team from Bournemouth University we developed a narrative and created a skeleton of the plot in story beats. This was challenging because everyone had loads of ideas to contribute and as we only had five days to complete our project we had to simplify the storyline.
“In the end we have came up with something that reflects our creative enegry, enthusiasm and our individual talents.”
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See the narrative here: http://genarrator.org/view/7jf4el44s70pvpgy
See the film of the project here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PSSvcKL3GbU